A reader from my FB private group asked me to write some of my thoughts on plant-based eating and how it protects and heals us. Before all this went down a few months ago I really didn’t know much about plant-based eating – mostly I subscribed to a more low carb/meat/protein way of eating. I […]
On March 1, 2018, I was diagnosed with multiple myeloma which is a blood cancer. In my case, it's very treatable and remissionable and I'm standing that it's curable and that I'm a walking miracle.
This category contains posts from my private FB group as I work on a book. A lot of what I cover in this area is not specifically pertaining to multiple myeloma.
One of my frustrations, when I was diagnosed, was finding general cancer information about what's next right after diagnosis. I needed help going from diagnosis to treatment which was nearly a 2-month journey in an of itself. Then my treatment (oral chemo) started on 4/30/2018.
Diagnosis Day – My Journey with Multiple Myeloma Begins!
This is the original post from my regular FB account from April 9. I’m keeping it part of this group communications so I don’t lose it. Hello everyone. I wasn’t sure that I wanted to do a post on FB as a way to share some recent news that I received. However, a lot of […]